Adirika Got Admitted Into All 8 Ivy League Universities
Please meet Ashley Adirika, a Nigerian-American teenager who graduated from Miami Beach Senior High School, and joined the exclusive group of students who have gained admission into all Ivy League Universities. In an interview with CNN, Ashley admits that it has always been a dream for her to study in an Ivy League School.
(Brown, Colombia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton and Yale.)
Ashley is beyond blessed and grateful to have been accepted in to some of the most prestigious universities in the world with over $4 million worth of scholarship offers.
“I just decided to shoot my shot at all of them and see if it would land. And I had no idea that I would get accepted into all of them,” she says.
“On Ivy Day, I remember crying a lot and just being extremely surprised.” She also got accepted to seven other top-rated schools, including Stamford, Vanderbilt and Emory. With plans to major in Government, Ashley chose Harvard.
“Before the college application process, Yale was actually my top choice. But when I did further research for what I want to do specifically, which is exploration in policy and social policy and things of that nature, Harvard just had a better program,” she says.
To every underrepresented person fighting to thrive in competitive designed spaces – keep applying pressure, keep shaking the room, keep making your own table and never stop dreaming.
Source: bellanaijaonline